
If you want to get in touch with me, you can use (in random order):


If you want to send me an email and want to encrypt it, you can use my public PGP key to do so. You can:

  • Have PGP/GnuPG import it from a key server, e.g “gpg --recv-keys 0x2144528D88110619”.
  • Download the key from this site and import it, e.g. “wget -qO- | gpg --import”.

Either way, make sure that the downloaded key has this fingerprint:

1FFA 3F2D 26D6 B7FB AED7  FE5F 2144 528D 8811 0619

(To see the fingerprint, use e.g. “gpg --fingerprint 0x2144528D88110619”.)