Deployment knowledge sharing session: release management + buildout + puppet

On June 16th Jan-Jaap Driessen from The Health Agency (THA) organised a meeting to share knowledge about using Puppet, zc.buildout, release management and how those are related. For the most part, Jan-Jaap showed us his setup. My impression in one word: wow! They are running a tight ship at THA!


Edd Dumbill wrote the article We’re all ops people now in June 2008. Although Jan-Jaap didn’t refer to this article, he did expressed a similar opinion: the days where developers toss code over the wall and expect the system administrator to deploy it, are over. At THA they took it one step further: the developers are managing the server themselves now.

A configuration management system like Puppet “comes in handy.” Amongst the benefits are documentation of your configuration and the fact that all systems are configured the same (you cannot forget to e.g. update that one file on that one server).

Jan-Jaap described their setup. They manage everything with Puppet: which packages to install, backup configuration, network devices, users, bash profile settings, vim configuration and a whole lot more. THA even configures which applications are deployed on which server in Puppet.

Tips for Puppet:

  • Pro Puppet, by James Turnbull and Jeffrey McCune, is a good read.
  • Check out Puppet Forge for Puppet modules.
  • Use Vagrant to setup VirtualBox instances to experiment with Puppet. Check out for base boxes.
  • Put a header in the files that you control with Puppet. Otherwise you might make a change in a file without knowing that Puppet will change the file somewhere in the future.
  • If you need to experiment with a change in a file managed by Puppet, make sure that Puppet is temporarily disabled.


The applications at THA are deployed with buildout. With buildout you can create isolated environments for your applications. I won’t go into details about why buildout is such a great piece of software. Reinout van Rees wrote a series about software release management and he quite nicely describes buildout in his article Isolation and repeatability with buildout.

Jan-Jaap mentioned a couple of useful packages:

  • z3c.checkversions to check if there are updates for the packages you have pinned in your buildout configuration.
  • mr.developer to work on your own packages.
  • pywatch to run a command if a file changes.

Release management

To properly deploy your applications, you should at least tag the software you deploy. To help with releasing your software, check out these packages:

Don’t forget that you should also tag your buildout so you can deploy a specific version of your application.

Tying it together

The release management and buildout parts are geared towards the application (user), while the Puppet configuration is more related to the underlying system (root). Tying those two together also happens in Puppet.

By having e.g. the Apache configuration files also in your buildout (using collective.recipe.template) you only have to define the ports on which the application is running in one place: your buildout configuration. And using Puppet to symlink the generated configuration to the right locations, connects the application to the system.

So Puppet makes sure that the right applications are on the right machines (doing the checkout, running buildout, etcetera). It also makes sure everything is connected to the right system configuration.


Jan-Jaap described a couple of standard tools to monitor the setup: Nagios, Munin, and Puppet dashboard

THA also uses a custom made application to give them insight in their applications. It tells them on which server an application is running, which port number(s) it uses, which version of the application is deployed and (really cool!) an overview of which versions of which Python packages are in use. With the last it is really easy to see that only application A is still using version x.y.z of package P. This data is gathered on-the-fly (that is, once an hour if I recall correctly) from the actual applications that are running on the servers. Jan-Jaap will try to make this application publicly available.

Now it’s my turn

Jan-Jaap really inspired me with his presentation! I would really like to optimize things at my company, Edition1. Things are going fine, but processes can always be optimized.

For instance, we do have proper release management for SwordFish in place. But for our older customers we haven’t made releases (or tags) of their custom products or buildouts.

I’d also like to start using Puppet to manage our servers. Although we’ve put configuration files in our version control system, we still have to update our servers manually. I’m note sure yet if I’ll want to configure the deployment of our applications in Puppet though. I also like Fabric to automate deployment.

On the monitoring department I would like to add Munin to our setup. And definitely some application (preferably (re)using the one from THA) to generate an overview of applications, ports, etcetera running on our servers. We are now manually maintaining such a list and it’s real easy to make a mistake or forget to update it…

Finally I’d like to thank Jan-Jaap for taking the initiative of organising the meeting and being so open and detailed about the process and setup of THA!

Update (2012-04-27)
I am now using Whiskers and buildout.sendpickedversions to generate an overview of which packages (and versions) are used by which buildouts. See the blog entry Whiskers and buildout.sendpickedversions for more information.