Lightning talks (Friday)
The lightning talks of the last day of the Plone Conference 2012. Again only three minutes each since we had 14 talks!
The lightning talks of the last day of the Plone Conference 2012. Again only three minutes each since we had 14 talks!
What is sprinting all about about?
Tutorial on how to write templates for ZopeSkel.
Cris is the maintainer of ZopeSkel for three years now. This is a historical, non technical talk about ZopeSkel: where did it start and where it is going.
A overview of the changes in Plone 4.2 and 4.3.
A talk about Travis CI: hosted continuous integration for the open source community.
What can product developers do to make their products faster to use and easier to cache.
The lightning talks of the second day of the Plone Conference. This time they were just three minutes a piece due to the large number of talks.
Kim shows us a collection of tools that can be useful during development.
Steve McMahon talked about Plone specific stuff, Christian is going to talk about the stuff around that.
A special version of this talk: no secrets or tricks. It discusses the things that are in mainstream use.
Insight in how RedTurtle manages their projects using their own tool: Penelope.
How to deploy tens of sites that are not really identical but share the same infrastructure.
Simone is a developer but is still talking about design to bridge the gap between both ‘worlds’.
Several five minute talks about various subjects.
How can we improve Plone?
Performing asynchronous tasks with Plone using message queues.
Andreas Jung talks about best practises.
Matt Hamilton, president of the Plone Foundation Board and Eric Steele, release manager, talk about the state of Plone.
The first technical talk of the 10th Plone conference is by Jan Jongboom, who works for Cloud9.
Brief summary of the discussed issues.
The migration of
in an nutshell.
Plone4Artists Audio and Video.
A talk about working with packages, zc.buildout and managing the application lifecycle.
Mastering the bureaucracy perfectly.
A talk by the creator and release manager of PloneFormGen (PFG).
A talk about agile development.
Principles to help development teams.
Constituent Relationship Management
Deliverance can be used to theme a site without having to have any knowledge of Plone.
Adapters are the way to go to change behaviour of objects.
Plone is a great CMS but is it the best product to actually deliver the content?
Best practices for Plone deployment.
Taking advantage of Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3).
An overview of Plone4ArtistsCalendar, targeted at integrators.
Bradley encourages us to critically think about how free Gmail and Twitter actually are.
A talk about issues specific to intranet sites.
What tools can be used to run a business?
What? A photo without a Zest t-shirt?
Things to be proud of, work to be done and the way ahead.
Ken Wasetis talked about the benefits for governmental sites to use Plone.